You are all GUILTY!
Guilty of loving this podcast! That’s what we’d love to hear. Remember you can contact us through the Twitter link on the side of this very page! Until then, sit back and enjoy a huge helping of all things “Guilty Pleasure” as we carefully avoid all the sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll and stick to the kinds of movies you may not openly embrace in front of strangers. There are plenty of fast cars, road rage, Stallone, Dr. Jones, Carradine, Lee Majors, and Flash Gordon to keep this show rocking for over two hours!
Your Handy Top 3 Links from Episode 6:
1 –Don’s Guilty Pleasure?2 – Amazing Friend’s Guilty Pleasure?
3 – A Guilty Pleasure Agreement!
We’ll Watch It For You:
DEATHRACE 2000 (1975)
Episode Summary:

Remember that your positive iTunes reviews are always
welcome! Check us out on Twitter and on
Amazing Friend’s blog! Stay healthy and
happy celebrating Euthanasia Day and we’ll see you in March!